Sugarcane is grown to chew on during the dry season (March/April) and is sometimes also used as pig feed (Jeff Rowak, p.c.). Sugarcane is planted after the bush is burned for the yam garden, at the same time when men are building the yam garden fencing (September/October). For planting, a hole is dug for a cutting with a spade, hoe, or digging stick.
Sugarcane is grown in swamp gardens, bush gardens, and backyard gardens. It grows best when planted near water and grows irregularly on dry soil. No fertilizers, composts, or pesticides are used in the cultivation of sugarcane.
Sugarcane is harvested in March and April when flowers emerge at the top of the sugarcane. When someone’s cane is ready, they will cut off pieces for themselves with a knife for immediate consumption. Sugarcane is never cooked or prepared (J. Rowak, p.c.).
Sugarcane is grown in swamp gardens, bush gardens, and backyard gardens. It grows best when planted near water and grows irregularly on dry soil. No fertilizers, composts, or pesticides are used in the cultivation of sugarcane.
Sugarcane is harvested in March and April when flowers emerge at the top of the sugarcane. When someone’s cane is ready, they will cut off pieces for themselves with a knife for immediate consumption. Sugarcane is never cooked or prepared (J. Rowak, p.c.).